Woodstock Village: Relive the Boomer Fantasy
From the brown acid flashback ride to the roller coaster mudslide, there's something to please “kids” of all ages from 65 to 80.
From the brown acid flashback ride to the roller coaster mudslide, there's something to please “kids” of all ages from 65 to 80.
Don't worry, Metallica fans, the future of Metallica music is safe in the hands of the Metallica clones. Isn't that right, Bob Rock?
What exactly qualifies a book to be in the elite genre known as men's adventure? Non-stop action, ultra-violence, hot sex, war, gunporn, patriotic racism, and more!
Over the years I've tried to find all types of the best worst and/or worst best films out there. Here are 20 different awesomely bad movies.
I'd like to see a new generation of super poor filmmakers rip off the RIP-OFF movies, but without even the second-rate fancy shit.
Several months ago, one of our time machine pilots safely returned from the year 2016, and the big news is the American Presidential Debate focusing on zombies.
Do you need full-color photographs of brand new dudes showing you how to do the same basic exercises every single month? Then you need New Dudes Magazine.
Cats are great. They're cute, they're cuddly, and they do funny things. But GoogleCat is everything your cat will never be.
What about the Chinese countries besides North Korea? How dangerous are they? Are they our enemies? Here we'll examine nine potential Asian invasions.
When it comes to the horrors of nature, there is absolutely nothing more terrifying and deadly than the treacherous oceans that engulf our planet.
That's right, NASA sent a rover millions of miles away to Mars to etch-a-sketch a giant dong all over its stupid face like it was passed out drunk at a frat party.
Astronaut Killer is lurking in the bushes. Dumb girls giggle while doing cartwheels in short shorts and no bras. Astronaut Killer is watching, breathing heavily.