In a Newsweek interview, the editor in chief of OK! Magazine called the (Britney) Spears family “smart.”

I’m sorry, but no.

I really don’t care about celebrities, but please don’t call stupid, talentless people smart. Granted, if you believe OK!, you’re probably stupid. But seriously, smart people should be fucking insulted. That's like me calling Carlos Mencia the funniest and most original comedian of all time.

People sacrifice to be smart. The kids in my middle school beat the shit out of me because I was “smart.” I have an advanced degree, work a big boy job and didn’t get knocked up when I was 16 years old. I still don’t consider myself that smart. I don’t understand the stock market, banks or real estate — which puts a damper on working at a real estate magazine.

If Britney, whatever her sister’s name is and the rest of the Spears are smart, I don’t want to be smart any more. I feel like this word will become an insult. I feel “smart” is going to become the new “gay” or “retard.”

“Ha ha. Freeman is smart. Loser.”

“Look at the books that guy is carrying around. Fucking smart people.”

“Do you think people choose to be smart, or are born smart?”