I Waited in Line for 11 Years and That Cronut Just Wasn’t Worth It
I walked on and on, finally reaching the end of the line alongside Route 276 just outside King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
I walked on and on, finally reaching the end of the line alongside Route 276 just outside King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
Rather than responding “sounds chill boyz,” he ignored the message, instead opting for a podcast about the disappearing watermen of the Chesapeake Bay.
"A lesser airport CEO would have focused on vanity projects, like adding more of those carts that escort people faking injuries or improving security, but not Mario."
They found their secret sauce in nature, and they always said they would have to close up shop once the cave they mined it out of dried up.
12:30 PM, reads the Faberge Egg clock the CFO gifted me for having such a good PSAT score.
In the beginning, my friends didn’t want to come over and play, saying that my new games were “weird” and “hard to play” and “haunting.”
Like Thanksgiving or Easter, Grublin's Day was on a different day every year, sometimes even in a different month or year.
I have come to the stark realization that I am no longer funny. I say that having once had one of the world’s great senses of humor.
Now I know some of you were disturbed by the creepy old gas station attendant who insisted on giving us his shotgun.
Just like wolf mamas out in the wild, she has a den (our closet) where she keeps her babies (plushies, only the ones with faces).
Boy meets girl, girl falls for boy and sacrifices everything. How are we supposed to change society if we keep glorifying these shitty images?
I should never have strayed from the routine. The second I opened that dessert cupboard I knew it was a mistake.