
True body horror. Cronenberg, eat your heart out.

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Can we talk about the set design for a minute? It looks completely authentic to me. But then again, I’ve never set foot in a Chick-fil-A.

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Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.

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The 12 straight minutes of a black screen and muffled audio early in the picture might seem gratuitous, but both those who’re familiar with Warhol’s “anti-film” movement in the 1960s, often referred to as “cinematic nihilism,” will recognize certain conventions of the genre that are used to great effect here. Notice how the camera struggles to readjust for the lack of light, with automatic shifting zooms and rack focuses that display a panorama of muted blacks and greys. Had this been shot on 33mm, you’d never seen that. Cinephiles continue to debate the merits of analog vs digital photography, but I’d argue that this presents a solid argument for the latter.

When I was studying film at Eastern Maine Community College….more

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The loud farter in the other stall deserves his own movie. #BathroomCinematicUniverse

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Sort of like a spiritual successor to Méliès’s “A Trip to the Moon,” only played in reverse.

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Are we supposed to be impressed that the quote-unquote “hero” pees sitting down? Typical liberal pandering by Hollywood cowards.

Full review at The Daily Wire

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Loses half a star for the shitty effects.

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I take it back. Maybe we need less male nudity in film.

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Is that really a James Woods cameo in 2022, or is it just a turd?

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The fact that the protagonist doesn’t wash his hands at the end is the kind of moral ambiguity we haven’t seen in American cinema since the ‘70s.

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This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

I GASPED at the reveal that there wasn’t any toilet paper.

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