Nothing warms my adamantium heart like a douchebag getting what he deserves. And this, my gentle readers, is one of those times. 

(If you don't see the video, go here:

Here are some lessons to be learned:

1A. Never judge a person's fighting ability by their looks.

1B. Except, if a guy is wearing a "I AM A MOTHERFUCKER" t-shirt AND a fanny pack, just keep your mouth shut. 

2. Sometimes people mistake other people. It happens. No need for violence, unless, you know, you chase somebody to the front of the bus and make threats.

3. If you get your ass beat while your friend videotapes, heckles and laughs, maybe you should just move and make new friends. 

4. The race card. Keep pulling it. Maybe it will become relevant again in a few more years.

5. Screw the environment. Just buy a car so you don't have to ride the bus.

6. If you're a girl riding the bus, it's okay to listen to your headphones while an awesome ass-kicking is delivered. Or maybe you like a Radiohead soundtrack to all your ass-whippings.

7. It's okay to cry when you're "leakin'." 

8. When trying to "save face," say something like, "Next time." Yeah, the next time the two of you ride a bus together, you're not going to get humiliated by a dude three times your age?

9. "Rocky Balboa" was not a movie, but a documentary.

