I've been a staff writer at PIC for more than three years, but I still visit the site almost every day or so. I think every writer has his own "looking at his own stuff" personality. Some dudes never seem to look at their own stuff, while others are fast to reply with a comment whenever somebody opens their page. Here's the secret to how I, the legendary KC Freeman, read stuff on PIC.
1. I go to www.pointsincase.com. Real brain buster, I know.
2. I check to see if anything I've written is on the "New on PIC" bar. (Sometimes I forget that my columns are coming out.)
3a. I look at the comments from the past few days, searching for somebody begging me to write for their money, sleep with them or even perchance finding my stuff mildly amusing.
3b. I curse the stupidity and lack of genius-spotting skills of the PIC readers.
4. I click on other PIC writers' stuff and look around, searching desperately for a joke in the first three paragraphs.
5. I skipscroll all the way down to the end of other dudes' stuff and look for those links to other blogs like English/Russia with pics about hot drunk chicks at Halloween parties, hot drunk chicks cooking, fat chicks, weird Russian statues, gross animals, and other oddities on the Internet.
6. Get lots of viruses and waste a lot of time looking at photos of drunk chicks and wacky stuff on the Interweb.
7. Complain about the lack of anything worthwhile on PIC.
8. Repeat.