Kid’n Around is a heart melting band created by Josh and Nathan Dweezler. Together, the Dweezler Brothers produce catchy CDs and tapes that will make your child laugh, sometimes think and often inspire them to have fun with the Dweezlers each and every day!
Free Candy at Our House! (CD $15; Cassette $10)
White Van Comes a Callin’ (CD $15; Cassette $10)
Here’s what the Press has to say about Kid’n Around:
- “Their songs really speak to children, but it’s not appropriate for young ears. NOT RECOMMENDED.” – Stanley Brown, ABC
- “Just to be on the safe side, everyone should know who Josh and Nathan Dweezler are.” – Chicago Tribune on Free Candy at Our House!
- “…[C]ould be used as evidence in a future court case…” – Muskogee Family Newsmagazine
- “Nothing can stop Josh and Nathan from having fun with your children. Nothing.” – Publisher’s Weekly (starred review) on White Van Comes a Callin’
- “I checked the sex offender’s list, but these guys weren’t on it. They should be, though.” – Jessica King, Preschool Teacher
- “Please keep this music away from your children. If not, you’ll be sorry.” – Judge Debb Murphy
Interested in a CD or cassette? Want to see Kid’n Around play live? Email Kid’n Around at:
Please, no parents or police.