2020: 20th anniversary!
2018: James Folta joins PIC as managing editor.
2016: Sweet 16 celebration! Website redesigned, nicknamed “PIC 3.0” by exactly 4 people.
2012: 10,000th comedy article went up, 25,000,000th reader indulged in any number of literary humor features.
2010: 10th anniversary! Staff writers throughout the years awarded each other superlatives and wrote tribute articles.
2008: Nathan DeGraaf published The Snippets and the Impure Tour, the first book by a PIC writer.
2005: 5th Anniversary Prohibition Party held in Atlanta.
2004: The first six columnists began writing weekly columns.
2003-2006: “Courtjester5000” duped millions of AIM users into thinking they were chatting with an automated messaging bot.
2000: PIC goes online! What's black and white and red and yellow all over? The site in its original form.
1999: Court Sullivan, PIC founder and editor-in-chief, tapes first issue of Points in Case to the inside of a bathroom stall at Emory University.