In a somewhat convenient area to where I live, a 600,000 sq ft retail mini-city (what do they call them these days? oh ya, malls) featuring stores with every necessary category of retail/everyday purchases has gone up.

Stores now residing on what used to be a cotton field with an average gross annual production of $53 include:

Target (the Super kind), Best Buy, Lowe's, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath and Beyond, Kroger, Office Depot, Ross Dress, and countless leasing spaces for small businesses to come (nonsexually)

You can basically walk in a modified circle and leave supplied, groceried, bedded, dressed, electronicized, well-read, and fed. I dare say some indoor shopping malls can't even claim this.

The only thing I'm worried about is: with all that cotton destroyed, how will Target continue to make my favorite t-shirts?

