[ joh ]
Pronounced: “jo”
Rhymes with: “schmoe”
Common mispronunciations: Go, Yo!, Joooooe
How to remember: Joe is slang for coffee and Coffee is a nickname for all men named Joe.
[ don-ld ]
Pronounced: “dawn-old”
Rhymes with: “raw ‘n’ old”
Common mispronunciations: Ronald, Johnald, McGonagall
How to remember: McDonald’s – Mc – ‘s = Donald
[ mahyk ]
Pronounced: “my khh”
Rhymes with: “yikes!”
Common mispronunciations: Matt, Mark
How to remember: Mike is short for “open mic night.”
[ mich ]
Pronounced: “mmmmmitch”
Rhymes with: “Richie Rich”
Common mispronunciations: Match, Munch, Mr. Itch
How to remember: Mitch is also the nickname for the state of Michigan.
[ chuhk ]
Pronounced: “chuk”
Rhymes with: “yu-uck”
Common mispronunciations: Chunk, Shuck, Shaq
How to remember: You can buck a Chuck, but you can’t chuck a buck.
[ jon ]
Pronounced: “jon”
Rhymes with: “Jon”
Common mispronunciations: Jon, Johnald, Jean Val Jean
How to remember: If you can’t remember a white male politician’s name, go with John.