- Absolutely no one in the vicinity is even remotely happy.
- The air smells like processed meat and disappointment.
- There is a half-eaten sub sandwich on the ground. It looks like it has been there for some time.
- You're shocked at how crowded it is, partially because people are supposed to be social-distancing and partially because you didn’t think anyone went into these things.
- There are advertisements for Subway restaurants on the walls.
- You have a generally low opinion of everyone here, despite being there yourself.
- You're here because you wanted to go “green.”
- The first person that comes to your mind when you think of this place is a sexual predator.
- You're pretty sure you’ve contracted some kind of pathogen during your time here. You don’t have any symptoms, you just feel diseased.
- After leaving you Google “public indecency laws,” because you don’t think that guy is allowed to do what he was doing.
- You make a mental list in your head of ways this operation could be improved.
- You decide that, although they aren’t the prettiest, you're thankful these places exist because they’re convenient and they don’t judge.
Subway Restaurant: 1-12
Subway Transportation: 1-12