- It all happened so suddenly.
- You felt weightless for a moment.
- You figuratively fell head over heels.
- You literally fell head over heels.
- Everything started moving in slow motion.
- You felt a warm and spicy thick wave crash over you.
- Everyone else at the KFC Summer Family Fun Fest faded away.
- It took your breath away.
- Your head and your heart were racing and your stomach felt queasy.
- You thought to yourself, “Can this really be happening to me?!”
- Your knees were weak as you tried to stand.
- You emerged with a glistening, brown-ish glow.
- Dogs started licking you eagerly.
- You knew this was something that you’d never, ever forget.
- A fest-goer happened to catch a video of the moment your life changed forever and posted it on Twitter with the caption “Is this girl mashed? #itsallgravy #recipefordisaster #whatthecluck”
- Your body ached.
- You blew your nose and 11 special herbs and spices burned your nasal cavity.
- Your friends and family wanted to hear all of the details and exactly how it happened.
- Willie Geist featured the video on Sunday Today’s segment “Highs and Lows of the Week.”
- You received a letter from KFC corporate offering to pay for any dry cleaning expenses, free 8-piece standard bucket meals for life (limit 1 per week), and a meet-and-greet with the Colonel Sanders actor of your choice in exchange for not suing the company.
- You now know truly anything is possible.
3: Love at First Sight
4, 15, 17, 20: Kiddie Pool of KFC Gravy
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21: Both