I finally got internet access. Some of you may not know this, but everything I’ve ever written for PIC has been written in either a public place or friends’ residences. I have been a computer nomad, traveling from place to place in an attempt to post my rampant ramblings. And, because Mom taught me that manners matter, I am now using my first ever post-from-home to thank all those that have helped me get stuff on PIC over the last twelve months.

For Letting me use their Computers
Thanks to Peek, Dan and Brain in St. Pete. I don’t know who actually owns that computer, so I’m thanking all of you.
Thanks to Larry and Cheri. Have a great move, and see you soon.
Thanks to Mike, Mike and Mike. You know who you are.
Thanks to Trevor, Phil and Kevin. Again, not sure who owns the computer so I’m thanking the ruddy lot of you.
Thanks to Jessica at the Casual Dining Restaurant, Lloyd at the Smoky Pool Hall and TJ at the Classy Steak House. I was kind of shocked to see that bars have offices with internet access in them. Good to know.
Thanks to Sharon for only complaining about me “using her” for internet access approximately ninety times (not like I was counting).

For Putting up with Me Through All of This
Thanks to Court and Beech. Sorry about all the phone calls, guys. You’ll be happy to know that the madness is now over.
Thanks to Sharon for keeping me from posting a few pieces I wrote drunk. Waking up the next day and reading some of the crap I espouse when drunk was the literary equivalent of waking up next to a fat chick. In one of those pieces, I actually used the word verisimilitude. Kids, don’t ever use that word.

And finally, since I’m in the thanking mood. I want to thank all of you for reading, commenting and generally encouraging this foolishness. I hope y’all enjoy it half as much as I enjoy typing it out.

