We’re Your Caramels from Three Christmases Ago, and It’s Very Unclear If We’re Still Good
We figured you just weren’t hungry or something, considering how often you used to snack on us.
We figured you just weren’t hungry or something, considering how often you used to snack on us.
I flipped through it and noticed it had a lot of words, and some of them were long.
Just you, me, a $20 bottle of pinot noir, and 5-8 professional sex associates that we host for a no-holes-barred 12-hour touchfest.
Rodney is a baby and I am an adult man. We look nothing alike. For starters, look at how much smaller Rodney is than me.
Listen, I appreciate being included in this Christmas parade but, frankly, I’m not sure why I’m here.
Just goes to show you what 520 calories and 24 grams of protein per sandwich can do for your kids.
My seat had no window, I'd wasted my cash / on a seat in the middle by a guy with a rash
There is no way ol' Kris Kringle is going to remember what I asked for… until now. This holiday season, he is going to remember my name.
Which of your family members is now a part of QAnon? What is your first guess on Wordle?
What do I want for Christmas? Just get me anything. Socks, sweaters, a crisp stack of twenties shoved inside a brown paper bag.
I leaned in super slowly for a kiss when… her freaking precocious daughter popped in so that we could taste the cookies she made.
Wearing multiple warm layers will ensure that you don’t end up in the ER with hypothermia.
For everyone telling me to get over it? Remember that I was juiced! As a child!
Whole: Expect your life to be "Emily in Paris" but really it’s more like "Frances Ha"
Your father and I are trying to plan Hanukkah. Think you’ll be able to join us in Nazareth for the last night? You also have a birthday coming up.
- There’s no chance you’ll walk away with a flattering photo. - You don’t know what to do with your arms.
Sad news to report to Arrowhead fans: At a Cincinnati concert, bassist Valmer DeSota got his long hair stuck in the strings of his bass.
The water is so chalked full of minerals that no matter how hard I try, I cannot get the soap to lather. Just like the shower at home, but shittier.
Our top picks from 2023, featuring horny astronauts, long-winded toast recipe bloggers, and the tall guy blocking your view.
How many grams of protein do you consume each day? What do you mean you don’t know? Don’t you count your macros, bro?
A Picture of the Loaf of Bread I Made Six Years Ago: My source of pride.
Join me on an epic day of going to all the doctors I’ve been avoiding since I was a teen and will no longer have access to!
A brief mea culpa from me: as the lone cook of this dinner, I cannot help but feel that I have to bear at least some responsibility for this.
Childhood Dream: Live in a mansion. Adult Revision: Live next door to someone who doesn’t own a leaf blower.
For new patients, let me tell you about the opening scene. We fade in on a beach, sand caked with blood being washed away by the waves!
The filming schedules for the shows overlap so that I always have at least two competing crews filming me at once and oftentimes, all four.
A lot of the information Spotify gives you doesn’t seem that interesting anyway. I don’t even think “Toxic Positivity Delusioncore” is a real genre.
Consider that if you had stolen a different car (like my neighbor’s Prius, as an arbitrary example) and left mine unharmed.
“Love one another,” commanded Jesus Christ, continuing, “Does that make any sense? I feel like I’m not making sense. Sorry.”
Instead of practical commitments, we’ve asked them to show up with the filthiest, horniest fanfic about an environmentalist allegory ever.
Doesn’t fall correctly… I don’t know what the ideal shape would be, but this wasn’t it.
If there’s a place to get a cheaper, more unpleasant handjob, I’ve probably put them out of business.
I think you should ask your doctor about how your lower GI issues could be alleviated with a daily regimen of Green Crack.
Welcome to Your Cheap New Apartment! Your main quest is to violate your lease without getting caught.
You scrolled your own Instagram profile for 3 hours last week. You will never get that time back.
“I reckon this town ain’t big enough for The Both of Us, my start-up concept for a novelty cowboy singles bar.”
This family has a rich history of Crazy Uncles ruining Thanksgiving. A tradition that you are now responsible for.
What’s that they’re talking about now? "Where’s Aunt June’s fun dip?” The fuck is fun dip? Christ in heaven, this is Thanksgiving!
Nothing good will come from yelling about whether there’s a glue spot on the plastic pear that indicates where a neighboring bunch of muscats should be adhered.
Thanksgiving is one of the few days that I can gather with my family, eat a huge plate of delicious food, and pound back six or seven glasses of gravy.
I walk out into my backyard party—it’s always a party in my backyard. I smile and clink glasses with a man who could be my neighbor, but is he?
FastFix here. Hard to articulate... but there’s something about 5:00 that feels more rounded out than 4:30, don’t you think?
Consider swinging with a witch: The best way to do this is by mentioning that you saw them from across the bog, and you really dig their vibe.
Q: Do I need to time the hourglass? A: No. That would be redundant.
The revelations about the human condition you experience after consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms make it much easier to come up with future Fortune 500 companies.
Registered: A brand new crib with a breathable, hypoallergenic mattress / My Baby Wanted: Our dog’s bed, full of dog hair and slobbery toys
Course Materials/Payment: Double Baconator with large fry OR Pack of cigs (Camel preferred) OR 6-pack of Miller Lite
My being here is simply for the lulz and has nothing to do with my ex posting a vacation album with her new boyfriend on social media.
You raised some concerns that a lot of us have zero climbing experience. Just so you know, I watched a bunch of climbing videos.
When my girlfriend walks away, she doesn’t follow her. She stays with me because I’m nurturing and friendly and like, super cool.
- DIY ax throwing in the parking lot - Fish microwaving contest - Egging Janet in HR’s car (for charity)
I just don’t think I can morally justify knowingly bringing children into a world where their dad would be me.
If we look back to the mistakes, the failures, the death mask grimaces of the asphyxiated faces we’ve left behind, then we’ll never move on.
Are you picturing the powder keg? Think back to the last time you went out to sea and needed to bring a large amount of gunpowder.
You are about to enter another world. It is a world not of matter, but of hilarious practical jokes. It’s a place we like to call… The Prank Zone.
You came here to read a Les Mis-length exposition on a one-step recipe from an expert in rural boho chic.
I have discovered that which can destroy you! Your name, demon! And I know your name… uh… man.
Someone or something begins to rattle the door back and forth as if trying to force it open. Suddenly, it stops.
Imagine my horror as I watched Mario and Luigi stuff their pockets without a moment’s thought for their fellow trick-or-treater.
"2 Sound 2 Furious" follows the continued exploits of the Compson family as they compete in underground wagon races.
You’re ashamed to be wearing something from Goodwill while everyone you know is wearing something gifted to them by their rich parents.
"What’s your schedule?" Exorcism is a nonstop, 24/6 career and the Devil loves dropping in unannounced, so you’ll want your exorcist on-call.
I was wondering if we could do this another way. Maybe one that doesn’t require rolling on broken glass or literally lighting each other on fire?
You’re young, your hormones are raging. All you want to do is figure out what the shadowy figure following you through mirrors is saying.
Don’t worry about the old-timer who whispers “Beware the woods at night!” to you—it’s just his way of welcoming you!
I’ll tell you this about Carson City, pard: if’n you wanna survive on these wild plains, best thing you can do is subscribe to my newsletter.
"Dude, I heard you were doing the transcendental thing so I brought you a six pack and a slew of magazines of an... Umm... Delicate nature!"
Some of us are in it for the monk-ing and not the "reluctantly helping to investigate a crime despite the suspicion it draws upon themselves"-ing.
You’ve seen the lows; the fighting, the occasional breakups, and the time Jeff left me at Six Flags and the park closed while I was still inside.
FALL Under The Spell Of The New York Blood Center’s Impending Autumn Drive. Ah-Ah-AH!
Like all bars with inscrutable locations, it’s a speakeasy. A “secret” bar. But it’s a secret the way it’s “a secret” your aunt got a facelift in 2015.
Heaven has several noteworthy attractions. It boasts a decent choir, if you enjoy liturgical music. The library has a good book.
How you doin' (on this quiz)? Remember “The One with the Cake” and “The One with the Baby on the Bus”?
Depending on how gross the thought is, I’ll either do a full “tut tut” or just a simple tongue cluck. It’s an art, really.
By the time your child is in elementary school, they’ll be able to replace your basement door with a beaded curtain adorned with Grateful Dead skulls.
In five years I hope I can stop dwelling on the time when I was sucked into the thick swamp ooze only to be rescued by a creature of the night.
Trent Dribbly is a gale-force wind of fresh air with his unapologetic attitude about stealing leftover food from coworkers.
I have a bug in my mug. I have electric eels in my high heels. I have a giraffe in my carafe.
You looked through my mail and saw my meager wages. Appalled, you negotiated on my behalf, raising my salary commensurate with the rent raise.
Pop open a bottle today. It’s guaranteed to take your mind off the waterspout that’s currently ripping the roof off your neighbor’s house.
Looking back, I can see it was I, not yo momma, who is so dumb that I stood on a chair to raise my IQ.
Wow, Pete! You ordered a lot of food. Did you skip lunch again?
The more advanced students write basic sentences in their workbooks: “The—dog—says—woof” and “The—villager—screams—aarrrrrgggghhh!”
Pa was hard at work at his moonshine-still turning cotton into cotton gin. Grandpa was reading the paper. The paper was also Southern.
You're going to love taking phrases like "rodeos clown" and "bottlenoses dolphin" out for a spin!
I mean, who wouldn’t want to be in charge of spreading a bit of autumnal spirit throughout the organization?
I appreciate the new possibilities social media has created, but I worry about what they’re missing out on.
Monday: Put on the same underwear you wore yesterday. Mistake a wolf for your grandma.
5:00 AM: After taking a deep mindful breath, I stroll outside to my gorgeous backyard and teach my daily Pilates class to the woodland creatures.
Providing difficult choices among terrible options is—like with cable TV—in keeping with Hell’s overall philosophy of customer dissatisfaction.
Did we go to college together? No, I went to Penn State. High school? No, I’m from New York. Middle School? No, I never graduated.
We at Amazon want to replicate every part of the brick-and-mortar experience, and that includes the sweet sweet thrill of shoplifting.
Moment of silence but for a page. Total accident and someone is definitely getting fired.
Google “What does sexually active mean?” Is it like you’re having sex right at that moment? In the past year? Ever?
Because at VERMO Liquid Ant Baits, we don’t sell insecticide. We sell experiences.
For safety, we’re tying you right to the tip of the rocket—far from the hot hot thrusters. You’ll also get plenty of SPF to protect you.
He got together with all the angels, Betty White, and your childhood dog, and they had a long hard think about how things are going down here.
Providing an extra hand for “light as a feather stiff as a board” at your next sleepover / Watching your ex’s Instagram story and reporting on their whereabouts
I’m so jealous of guys like you who can just sit at a table like this for hours and hours without literally moving a muscle—must be nice.
We don't even know him, what if this kickass party goes to waste because your baby ends up being a loser or something?