Think you know 7-Eleven? Think again.
A career opportunity announcement from 7-Eleven.

Thinking convenience means small time and low-tech?

Think again.

With new Big Gulp cups that double as center car console waste baskets and extended straws that actually reach past the Slurpee® dome lids, 7-Eleven, Inc. has become one of the biggest think-tanks in the world. We also have one of the world's highest employee retention rates, thanks to our new in-store intensive care units for on-the-job injuries.

Think you want a leadership opportunity?
At 7-Eleven, Inc., you can show loitering teenage punks that they have no future in the parking lot, and that heavy bass may lead to permanent hearing loss. You can also tell homeless people crowding the penny tray that we're hiring.

Think you want valuable marketing experience?
At 7-Eleven, Inc., you'll have the opportunity to sell commission-based items like lottery tickets (void where prohibited), condoms, and adult magazines by convincing customers that they are either too poor to support a family, too young to start a family, or too desperate to ever have a family. You can also remind underage customers that we'll still be selling cigarettes for years to come.

Think you can persuade others to share our views?
7-Eleven, Inc. offers challenging situations like convincing armed gunmen that you really don't know the code to the safe, and last time you checked there was less than $50 in the register.

Think you can handle a fast-paced environment?
At 7-Eleven, Inc., you never know what's going to happen next. That's why we need quick thinkers with raw street smarts, misled musicians with creative genius, senior citizens with company loyalty, international residents with valid green cards, and most of all, bright young college grads looking to delay their future.

Think this sounds like a job for you?
Then we think you're perfect for 7-Eleven.

At 7-Eleven, we offer:

Comprehensive Combat Training Program
Free In-Store Intensive Care Units
Competitive Parking Space Benefits

Penny Tray Sharing Program
Half-price Slurpees® & Big Bite® Hot Dogs
Daily Lottery Results
AM/FM Mini-Stereo w/Volume Control

Backup Calculators

…and a career path that could take you anywhere, or if you're comfortable, nowhere at all. For more career information, visit your local 7-Eleven, or just take over the register.