Make your most sensuous dream a reality with a stay at Flavio’s Paradise. Located on the Las Vegas strip, we have spared no expense in making our rooms the epitome of romantic luxury. The Tuscan marble surfaces. The thousand count Egyptian cotton bed sheets. And—just one arm’s length away from the bed—a solitary toilet encased in what’s technically, but not functionally, privacy glass, perfectly centered in the room, making the porcelain throne visible from any and all angles.

And yes, it’s for lovers.

Surrounded by frosted yet still completely see-through glass that leaves nothing to the imagination, our panopticon toilet utilizes ruthless social engineering to give you the most intimate experience with your partner.

Picture this. You look out one of our floor to ceiling windows, Vegas Strip glittering below you. You turn around, and your lover is squatting like a Rottweiler on a walk, using the split second your gaze was focused outward as an opportunity to push out the feces they’ve been holding in since the four hour drive to get here.

You both lock eyes as they indulge in their most primal urge. You gaze past their abject humiliation and look straight into their soul, getting to know your partner better than you ever wanted to. And at that moment, you know true intimacy.

There are no secrets here. Nor can there be.

Like a true panopticon, you never know if you’re being watched. Will you wake up to the sound of struggling, under the belief your lover is being garotted by an elephant, only to realize they’re engaged in the squat of shame? Hours before, you heard their screams of ecstasy, but now you hear their grunts of defecation as they unload waste produced from gorging on our complimentary oyster and asparagus buffet.

Or will you wait for your lover to express a desire to check out our deluxe fourth floor hot tubs then say, “You go ahead! I think I left my wallet behind,” so you can rush back to the room and indulge in your body’s yearning to expel something that will make the room smell like a zoo in a heat wave? Only for their return to shatter the false belief this is the one moment you’d be able to find privacy in a lover’s suite with a toilet inexplicably in the middle of the room? You’ll blush with mortification as they open the door to find your butt blitz making the entire Italian Renaissance inspired room uninhabitable, like the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, but with fecal smells.

You don’t know—and that’s what makes it so hot.

Why would you not want to be able to stare at your lover from any corner of the premium furnished room as they attempt to hang up one of our plush waffle weave bath towels up for a modicum of privacy, only for it to feebly fall to the floor? Isn’t it so titillating to see the pang in their eyes as they realize there’s no way to stop the complimentary champagne shits once it starts, nor is there a way to stop you from watching the person you went down on for eight hours now clog the crapper?

Don’t you get off on that rush of knowing your partner has to modify their behavior because they’re being watched?

Some people have said that like a true panopticon, our toilets are inhumane and a symbol of oppression. But our award-winning architects deliberately designed our romantic hotel rooms to foster the deepest connection possible. One that transcends the physical and enters the spiritual – that shared shame of basic bodily functions. Functions we would wish away if we could, but cannot because the coffee at the onsite Starbucks is extra strong.

You’ve never known true sexual intimacy until you’ve gone away for a weekend of carnal desire, made love to your partner until every erogenous organ has been sprained, then exhausted from passion, realized the same beautiful body that just aroused your uncontrollable lust, is shitting.

So come engage in sensuous conscious visibility at Flavio’s Paradise. Because, for some reason, we believe the toilets in a shared hotel room don’t need proper doors.