By contributing writer Marelli Gallagher

We all play certain roles in life. Sometimes we are the caring friend, sometimes we are the sexual vixen. This would all be fine and swell if we didn’t attach negative connotation to our roles. As we dance through our prime, sex and sexual encounters are going to plague our horny little minds, so why don’t we enjoy it while it lasts? Stereotypes have ruined some of the most precious things in life. Us women have taken the stereotypical Manwhore and turned him into a beast who dictates the way we feel about ourselves. Ladies, we are doing more injustice to ourselves than to them by spoiling the title of the Manwhore.

We are all aware of the Manwhore. Is he tall, dark and handsome at your school? He exudes the confidence that makes terribly naughty things run through your mind during Bio Sci. Things that somehow turn otherwise sleep-inducing biological processes like advanced oxidation of organic contaminants into advanced seduction with erotic lubricants. He also happens to be the guy who hooked up with seven girls on your floor who all still want another piece of him. You know you shouldn’t, but there’s something a little too irresistible for you to contain yourself. So you set your trap, make your move and BAAM, six beers later, you and the Manwhore are going at it in his best friend's bedroom. Sooner or later, after hours of possible pleasure, you depart, your head raised a little higher than it was before, and his head hanging a lot lower than it was before.

The faceless force of pure sexual energy fuels the tank in his dorm lair.

Right now is the key moment when girls destroy the glory of the situation. You know he is a Manwhore, feel fortunate and walk away smiling. But no, at this point girls try to nest. They want the magic all over again, hell even on a regular basis. This is not a wise move for anyone. Clearly you're setting yourself up for disappointment by trying to secure a relationship of any kind with a Manwhore. In the end, women twist the situation into “he used me for ass” or “he's not returning my phone calls because I’m _____________ (insert whatever self-destructive adjective you use),” when in reality you could be walking on sunshine (provided it's still light outside).

The Manwhore's sole purpose in college is to raise your self-esteem. Not only did you receive a fun, flirtatious night that wound up going in your direction, but you got the satisfaction of knowing you still have some game in ya. You have plenty of game. Do you see him? Yes, that one you’ve conquered. In college, all we're really looking for is a cheap thrill… something to occupy our minds. Enjoy the four hours this fine specimen has taken to direct his energy at you and roll with the big boys. Take some charge and enjoy the sporadic sexual encounter that all the other girls in your dorm are fantasizing about. Enjoy it and end it.

By no means should the Manwhore upset you. He was just doing his job, as dirty as it may be. You would be crazy if you called the plumber and got upset that he couldn’t fix your refrigerator (literally speaking). Same with the Manwhore. Your outlook determines whether you feel empowered or used. So when dealing with the Manwhore, hold your head up proud, put a deserved notch in your belt and lock the memory in your spank bank.

Last but certainly not least, a special shout out to the Manwhore. You have received a bad name where it is not deserved. You are just as important as the long-term boyfriend. Being a female, I can assure you our self-esteems fluctuate and we need the occasional reminder we are a hot piece of ass. In the midst of image crisis, the security of the Manwhore is unbeatable. You reassure us we are sexy when we feel anything but that. So thank you Manwhore, from the women who look at the glass half full.