Woody and Rayleen Blight
Joyfully announce the recent trade of their
Rusted, red, two-door Ford F150
A 2020 black, full-sized Dodge Ram 2500 pickup
With a gray interior
Look for them driving by your house and waving
After Wednesday, September 21
Two Thousand and Twenty
Please make a note of the change in vehicles
You’ll recognize Woody’s rabbit hutches in the back

Marnie Mikayla Moore
Of the Barnyard Squealers 4-H Club
And her parents
Laylie and Oscar Moore
Announce the Arrival of Miss Moore’s 4-H project
Pen of Two Feeder Pigs
An Open House will be held in the Shed Behind Their House
2237 Moore Road
Saturday, June 5
Two Thousand and Twenty-One
At 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon
For our guests’ entertainment, Miss Moore will define the terms boar, sow, barrow,
and gilt and will name and locate on her swine the ham, loin, shoulder, belly, tail,
feet, knees, hocks, pasterns, jowl, ears, snout, teats, vulva, testes, and sheath.
She also will sing The Star-Spangled Banner.

Martha and Sonny Johnson
Will celebrate the induction of their purebred bull,
Into the Top Flight Donor Division of
The Elite Sires Semen Center
The honor of your presence is requested at Simon’s
Inaugural Collection Ceremony
Hosts: Elite Sires Semen Center,
400 Cowpath Lane
Friday, October 3l
Two Thousand and Twenty
At 10 o’clock in the morning
Special guests include teaser steer
And Randy’s proud owners
Lillian and Timothy Wright
Simon was selected for Elite Sires’ Top Flight division after thorough vetting of his temperament, sperm concentration and ejaculate volume.
He is expected to sire more than 100,000 offspring during his career.
Nonskid shoes are recommended

Nanette and Jackson J. Jackson
Announce with joy plans to
Drive around looking at farm fields
And commenting on the crops’ height, health and fullness
With special attention to the presence of any
Velvet Leaf, Horseweed and Giant Ragweed in other people’s fields
The Jacksons
Plan to drive slowly, inching along, and occasionally
coming to a full stop right there in the road
Watch for them on
Sunday, September 27
between the hours of
1:30 to 3 o’clock in the afternoon
Nanette and Jackson will be driving their old gray pickup with the Farm Bureau sticker unless they leave straight from church in the Impala

Avery and Wilma Calvert
Announce with pleasure
The artificial insemination of their heifer
The procedure will be carried out inside the barn at
4750 Willow Road
Saturday, October 24
Two Thousand and Twenty
At 10 o’clock in the morning
Participating will be
The Elite Sires Semen Center
Featuring Simon
Of Elite Sires’ Top Flight Donor Division
Avery Calvert, Jr., will play the violin.
Simon contributed remotely and will not attend

Miss Marnie Mikayla Moore
And members of the Barnyard Squealers 4-H Club
Request the honor of your presence at the
Brown County Junior Fair Swine Show
In the Swine Barn, between the Dippin’ Dots and the Zipper
on Sunday, August 22
Two Thousand and Twenty-One
Beginning at 7 o’clock in the morning
Miss Moore will show her pen of two feeder pigs, Miss Piggy and Freddy
Miss Moore also will sing The Star-Spangled Banner by the flagpole near the Coliseum at 6:45 o’clock in the morning

Laylie and Oscar Moore
Announce the auction of Marnie Mikayla Moore’s
Pen of two feeder pigs
At the Brown County Fairgrounds Swine Barn
Wednesday, August 25
Two Thousand and Twenty-one
at 7 o’clock in the evening
Owners of local meat markets, groceries, feed companies and restaurants
are encouraged to attend
Miss Marnie Mikayla Moore
Will be at home, crying in her room