PIC's “Comedy Out Loud” features dramatic humor readings and audio performances of our comedy articles by the authors themselves, as well as other performers and comedians. They're like comedy podcasts for people who only have 5 minutes to kill (no offense, 97-minute podcasts). Stream our latest below, and if you're up for performing from the comfort of your own home, we'd love to hear your reading.
Want to submit a humorous reading of your own or someone else's article? Submit your audio recording below.
If you're looking for articles to perform, some good styles to start browsing are our Open Letters, Speeches, and Scripts. You can also view all of our article topics by category.
Important: Be sure to put some serious character into your performance! We’re looking for a colorful and dynamic approach to readings; some ad libbing from the text version is fine too.
Audio recording tips: Recording a voice memo on your phone in a quiet room is the simplest and most effective method to do a reading. If you want to get a little more technical, check out the programs Audacity (free) or Garageband (free; Mac only). No need to speak the title or anything other than the text of the article in your reading. Feel free to add music or special effects if you have proper licensing or copyright to do so, otherwise we can easily take care of that part on our end.