Notes on Being a Fashion Icon
I instead opt for one of my many t-shirts that feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs smoking marijuana.
Adam Dietz is a writer and the host of the Home Improvement (the sitcom) podcast “Home Impodcast.” His work has been featured in McSweeney’s, but not The New Yorker.
I instead opt for one of my many t-shirts that feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs smoking marijuana.
As a chair on stage, they’re not expecting me to go there. They’re also not expecting me to be the one making the jokes.
You with your magnificent house you built yourself, two young healthy children, and a partner who loves you for who you are, and me with my podcast.
It was not I who called her “a useless swath of dogshit,” it was, in fact, Chicago crime lord Tony Ligitano.
You see, when I was fired from my job at Target for stealing money out of the register, it was actually a clever commentary on American capitalism.
The grocery store is like a math classroom come to life. This fact is true even as the global food supply chain crumbles.
It was never my intention to glamorize having lots of sex with beautiful women and I'm sorry if it came across that way.
May: The Memento effect begins to set in as the temperature starts to go up. You start to hear people say things like "Winter wasn’t even that bad."
“With monotonous passages that seem to drone on and on, it felt at a certain point like the author himself had switched to auto-pilot.”
In Paris, we cry. In Paris we drink too much and enter the wrong apartment, accidentally sleeping in the wrong bed. That’s Paris.
When I came back from Spring Break ‘01 with a beach shop muscle tee and wore it to school, it took Jefferson Middle School by storm.
I would like the board to be aware and consider the fact that my house is a piece of garbage and I am rotting inside of it.