Today’s Youth are Killing the Proud Tradition of Fighting for Honor and Glory in The Arena
Staring into a man's eyes as you plunge a dagger into them is what person-to-person skills are all about. What better way to learn these life skills?
Alex Brault is a writer and improviser from Montreal. In addition to Points In Case his work has also appeared on CBC Comedy. This is what he's doing with his Creative Writing degree.
Staring into a man's eyes as you plunge a dagger into them is what person-to-person skills are all about. What better way to learn these life skills?
What should have been a detailed account of how you navigated the labyrinth of deception and red herrings is forever tainted by an itchy throat.
As you point at Michael, his eyes won't stray from yours, but everyone on that jury will take note of the way you're dressed.