Beware the Charging Ram
A leisurely afternoon hunt for eggs on a farm turns into a wild escape from a menacing ram involving dirt, blood and disgrace. This is the story of a field chase gone wrong.
A leisurely afternoon hunt for eggs on a farm turns into a wild escape from a menacing ram involving dirt, blood and disgrace. This is the story of a field chase gone wrong.
Alcohol can do many things: increase confidence, get you laid, and corrode your liver. But did you know it could aid in eternal salvation, save endangered species, and protect hobos? Here are 11 places where alcohol should flow abundantly, from gyms to f
In a study released earlier this week, social scientists from Harvard University found that when healthy individuals between the ages of 18 and 32 read more than three chapters of The Imbible they "laughed their fucking asses off."
As promised, I spent this past week getting shitty with fictional people, and am here to present to you their favorite drinks, plans for the night, and also what they plan on doing the following morning.
Ever wondered what Mario's favorite drink is? Or how murderous of a drunken rampage Big Bird would go on before putting the gun to his own head? Of course not! You're a sane person. That's why I'm here to
A collection of seven 'Top 10 Lists' - the simple form of humor, theoretically good for 10 laughs per list. Feel free to read them and remark, 'Psh, I could have done better,' or leave your own in the comments.
Each week we answer viewers' questions about alcohol and related topics, like how to make a cocktail straw to the jugular look like an accident, or how to convince your pregnant ex-girlfriend to meet you at the top of a flight of stairs. Sometimes we don'
Up until now there has been little scientific evidence on the mental and physical differences between drunken girls and pregnant girls. Here, presented in full, is the first ever interview with Ms. Drunk and Ms. Pregnancy.
Certain people apparently do not get drunk. Sure, they may puke and cry and get medical tubes shoved down their throats, but rest assured they are not even the least bit drunk.
With alcohol, I don't hold anything back. Rage, sexuality, crudeness, explosive fits of vomiting - I let it all out. And damn, does it feel good.
How come something that has happened over 100 billion times is still considered a miracle? Moreover, why is something that every species in the history of history has done considered special in any way whatsoever?
From 8am cereal to 4am sleeping pills, and every flopping dick, hot girl on a treadmill, and shaken beer in between, it's a minute by minute recap of a day in the life of observational humor on crack.