Comedy Writing
Why don’t aliens wear clothes? Because it’s always dark in space.
Why don’t people keep giraffes as pets? Because choosing a name for giraffes is not easy.
What’s the difference between a bird and a plane? Birds can’t even hold their own shit when flying but planes can fly and carry the shit of hundreds of people at the same time.
Why are men, on average, taller than women? Because most mathematicians were men.
I’m not saying that I’m more honest than God, but I’ve never promised victory to both sides of a war.
God reminds me of my ex. Why? He expects us to be only with him while he is with everyone.
Why don’t animals ever 69? Because they can’t count that far.
What is the difference between a poet and a CEO? A poet uses words and a CEO uses people.
Why don’t animals wear shoes? Because they are happy with their height.