The 3 Social Media Posts You’ll See on Your Feed Right After the Holidays
Get ready for that not-so-candid "candid" photo by the Christmas tree of the bride-to-be looking up at her 2-inch-taller groom like he's on a ladder.
Much like the villain on a reality show, I'm not here to make friends. Just kidding. I've always wanted to say that. I'm 27 years old and I work in the soul crushing industry that is reality television (hence my joke that I wrote 5 years ago and have been itching to use ever since). Like most people who want to break into comedy, my self worth is measured in how many people I make laugh per day. On a more serious note, comedy was my solace during very dark periods in my life. It helped save me.
Get ready for that not-so-candid "candid" photo by the Christmas tree of the bride-to-be looking up at her 2-inch-taller groom like he's on a ladder.
Dealbreakers are for spinsters and women who don't shave their armpits. Take what you can get now or die alone.