A Recruitment Letter from the Williams College Combat Juggling Team
I caught your last prep school match against Groton, and let me be plain: you are a truly gifted combat juggler, a “once-in-a-century” talent.
I'm a former journalist, still recovering from 20+ years working in US public radio. I was often asked to "do something funny" for the show. Unfortunately, my Keillor spin-off "Lake Shitabrick" was never picked up. Now, I'm living in the Netherlands and trying all different kinds of writing. No, I don't live in a windmill. Usually.
I caught your last prep school match against Groton, and let me be plain: you are a truly gifted combat juggler, a “once-in-a-century” talent.
Ma’am, you’ll have to speak up. War is really gearing up for tomorrow’s grand finale, and his machines are pretty loud.