How to Make an Atom Bomb While Your Roommates Are Out of Town
Use a plastic spatula to separate the heavier U-238 isotopes on the outside from the lighter, fluffier U-235 isotopes in the center.
I am a Boston-area writer, author of two novels and fifty books of humor, most recently "Scooter & Skipper Blow Things Up!" (Humor Outcasts). My humor has appeared in The Atlantic, Barron's, The Boston Globe and The Christian Science Monitor, among other publications.
Use a plastic spatula to separate the heavier U-238 isotopes on the outside from the lighter, fluffier U-235 isotopes in the center.
We run our home like a business, so our kids will understand that everything comes with a cost. They’ve been bugging me for months to raise their allowance, so finally I gave in and said, “Okay, but I’m cancelling your health insurance.”