Copernicus Thunderbird vs. the State of North Carolina
I was recently in North Carolina and found myself at some sort of political rally. I had the following conversation with an old white lady claiming to be the wife of a senator.
I was recently in North Carolina and found myself at some sort of political rally. I had the following conversation with an old white lady claiming to be the wife of a senator.
I decided to take Special Agent Diego to the KFC on the shady side of town because all the employees there were part time sex slaves.
<p>As a train hopping hobo, I tend to move around a lot. I don't usually pay attention to where I am because it's all basically the same when you get down to it. But my most recent move may have been a mistake. You see, I'm right down the road from that monstrous tabloid she-thing called the Octomom.<br />
<p>I'm starting to get the hang of this whole internet thing. They used to kick me out of the library just for being a dirty wino. But now that I'm a world famous... blog... whatever... they treat me with respect, and don't throw me out until I start masturbating to pictures of He-Man or the Thundercats. Those guys must have worked out a lot.
So apparently I'm so goddamn crazy that I have been ordered by a court of law to undergo psychiatric evaluation at the expense of you, the taxpayer.