Why Third World Countries Have So Much Trash
If these people are so poor, where's all the garbage coming from. Don't you have to have belongings first in order to have trash? I have a theory on where it all comes from.
His writing style is a Mixture of Andy Rooney and Andrew Dice Clay. He has written over Five Hundred articles (in various stages of completion) and has published over Seventy Articles in several publications including “Funny Times”, “The Nuthouse” and This Place. His Latest work is his Second Novel “The Search for Nude, Satan Worshiping, Necrophiliac, Cannibalistic, Dope Smoking Humans from a Parallel Universe Version of the Second Mars”. He is the Founder-Publisher-Editor-Staff Writer-Janitor of “Issues Magazine” his own self-published Humor Periodical on News and Popular Culture. His Other Novel, “Ask Dracula: A Dark Farce” is Still Looking for a Publishing House to call Home. His laptop is Named “Alice”, after Alice Cooper, you see. D.B. Silly resides in the Semi-Fictional Town of Sppa City, N.C. (the first “p” in Sppa is Silent). “As Painful as the World Is, at Least it’s not Middle School.” — D.B. Silly, Professional Author.
If these people are so poor, where's all the garbage coming from. Don't you have to have belongings first in order to have trash? I have a theory on where it all comes from.
For a small fee of US $90, you too can be strapped to a surfboard in which a Hawaiian 9-year-old will take you from one end of the beach to the other.
I’m Washing My Butt! I’m Washing My Balls! Dogs are Gay! Humans can stiff my Litterbox! Cat Scratch Feces! Give you Brain Damage! I Hate Fish! I Hate Birds!