Honest Engagement Cards
I know we aren’t particularly close, but we do have a ton of friends in common, which means it would be a lot of fun for me to go to your wedding.
Eddie Small is a writer whose comedy has been published in The New Yorker, The Onion, McSweeney's and, of course, Points in Case.
I know we aren’t particularly close, but we do have a ton of friends in common, which means it would be a lot of fun for me to go to your wedding.
We used to have lights, but we found that they reminded people way too much of their cell phone screens, so we got rid of them.
"Aja": Such an underrated Steely Dan album. “Deacon Blues” and “Peg” as back-to-back tracks? Come on.
All lifeguards are entitled to one free snack per day. In exchange, all snack bar employees are entitled to one free rescue per day. Make it count.
BARBER: It is customary to tip your barber $15 for each person who complimented your haircut and then immediately had sex with you.
"The Christmas Countdown": A group of photogenic children frolic by a fireplace and repeatedly exclaim "It's almost Christmas!" for 87 minutes.
I know what you're thinking: “A whole mansion for just $150! What a deal! I wonder if the low price has anything to do with that horrifying clown!”
Let’s just relax and not keep score except in a silent and secretive manner that I will only publicize if I happen to be in the lead at hole 17.
Please take this heat advisory especially seriously if you are old, as being old puts you at a higher risk of Everything.
It takes less than five seconds to read the average text message, while it takes more than 13 hours to listen to the average voicemail.
Who gets to determine when a novel starts and ends in this postmodern age that you would understand if you had read the first six pages too.