Blind People Be Trippin’, Ya’ll
I tripped over a blind guy's walking stick in a crosswalk, and I have come to the daunting conclusion that I must squarely place the blame on the blind.
Jeremy graduated from Colorado State University in 2010 with a B.S. in Biology. He tried to get a PhD at the University of Utah, but quickly realized he would rather light himself on fire and jump off a 500-foot cliff while simultaneously punching himself in the groin. So now he writes a lot, along with playing the guitar in a band, embarrassing himself on the soccer pitch, and getting ridiculously sunburned out in nature. Jeremy has been physically out of college for awhile, but his mind is still hanging out somewhere around 2nd week, freshman year. He majored in Biology, but he is much better at writing. Consequently, he is confused. All he knows is he loves to write about funny stuff, and making others laugh gives him a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Or is that the booze?
I tripped over a blind guy's walking stick in a crosswalk, and I have come to the daunting conclusion that I must squarely place the blame on the blind.
Maybe it's my generation's need to always be entertained, or maybe lifting a heavy metal bar up and down just isn't my idea of fun. Either way, I'm on a gymless streak.
I am horrified of a hidden red sock turning all my white stuff pink. The chemistry behind what causes this to happen completely eludes me, and that is scary.
Sorted and separated from those of color, I can now see the first washing machine lying in wait. I watch as my non-white comrades are tossed into the behemoth.
Create a profile for your unborn infant, and get it started networking with other fetuses before it even takes its first breath.