The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, is believed to be the only person to have had a poem about the President's Daily Brief published and to have published an item (not that poem) in the President’s Daily Brief.
All dating is carbon dating.
I’m not a life coach yet, but I was recently promoted to assistant life equipment manager.
Say what you will about the Large Hadron Collider, but it keeps particle physicists off the streets.
I got in trouble at work for posting pictures of my wife naked. Next time I’ll at least wear sweatpants.
Forget wikiHow, I need wikiWhy.
My wife thinks I’m suffering from depression, but I’m just experiencing a reduction in gross domestic product over two consecutive quarters.
When you go to the office, you shouldn’t have to leave your morals at the door. Your employer should provide a secure storage space in your cubicle.
The Super Bowl has become so commercialized, its religious meaning is in danger of being lost completely.