13 Signs Jerry Jones Formed a Pact with Satan
Something extremely odd and unsettling happened with the Cowboys this year. We all know what, but the question is "HOW??"
The four levels of severe mental retardation are, in descending order: moron, imbecile, idiot, and cretin. In the fall of 2009, the Texas Board of Mental Incompetency, in a precedent-setting move, established the new category sub-cretin of which I am, to date, the only member. My previous cretin designation proved woefully inadequate in categorizing a subject who emotionally bonds with a Cheeto believing it to be both his mother and the Almighty Creator.
Something extremely odd and unsettling happened with the Cowboys this year. We all know what, but the question is "HOW??"
Any reindeer that have seen graphic photos of the horrific effects of Red Nose Waffle or Silver Balls know it's nothing to mess with.
Screams from oven heard: "I can still feel my toes! Turn it up to 900, you bitch! Come, sweet release of hellfire!"
Points in Case polled 285 online participants immediately following tonight's townhall presidential debate in St. Louis. The results are surprising.
A partial list of deadly menu items being added by fast food chains everywhere, as catalogued by the Department of Homeland Security.
What happens when movie studios run out of superheroes? They make the same movies, but about ordinary, non-superhero people and household objects.
The rapidly-swirling vortex of alcohol intensifies as a large mass of Corona streams in from the southwest, touching off tens of banana daiquiris in its deadly wake.
The Donald's hair is perfect as a tiny scale model of the Siberian tundra, illustrating the catastrophic results of a scorched earth policy in the Napoleonic invasion of Russia.
While establishing his brand on Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat, the Fuhrer also uses Facebook as a marketing tool. During a recent boredom spell, he even took a quiz.
Are you ready for the Sony Pictures Master Plan? We combine Star Wars 7 with Star Trek 13 and Super Troopers 2 all in one gigantic mega-blockbuster film!
You know something is up when the Walmart coffee is unusually fresh, and the deli features sliced human flesh of "those who dare disobey us" for $4.49/lb.
Sure, your soul could be possessed by demons and your entire being assimilated into an abyss of utter, inescapable darkness. But it's a risk worth taking.