All I Wanted was a Wrap
All I Wanted was a Wrap
Nathan DeGraaf graduated fucking years ago with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, which he still lives near because college chicks are the best. On weekday evenings, Nate can typically be found at any one of a number of North Tampa bars. On weekends, he typically cannot be found. When not drinking, fishing, watching sports, or having sex, Nathan likes to read, play the harmonica, and show up for work. Throughout the course of his life, he has been arrested six times because, as his father has often said, "the kid is fucking stupid."
There's something to be said for street smarts. I don't know exactly what is to be said for street smarts though because it's one of those smarts that is hard to define and I'm just not that good a writer. <br /><br />I do know a little about luck, though.<br /><br />Luck is a friend who's a badass. <br />
As I mentioned last week, I am killing the observations and replacing them with a weekly award gimmick that I creatively titled, The Nate Way Week in Awards. Basically, what I do here is look at last week's events (both in my life and in the news) and hand out weekly awards as I see fit. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this, but you're used to that by now. <br />
A Day in the Life of a Crappy Photographer
Picking them Games Without Focus
Me: Do you have any idea how awesome I am?<br />Court: Umm? I have some idea.<br />Me: I just took a Heineken Girl home from the bar, hooked up with her, and brought her back and I owe it all to stellar bongo play.<br />Court: Wait... What?
<p>Before we get to the picks, it's time for me to update you on the status of my meatheadedness. I am slowly but surely on my way to becoming meat. In one five week period, I lost six pounds of fat and gained seven pounds of muscle, taking me from 19% body fat to 15% body fat.
The personalized license plate has a special place in American lore. Nothing says, "I have more money than brains" or "I believe that I am actually helping some cause" or "You need to know my opinion" quite like a personalized license plate. And here in the great State of Florida, we have over eighty different ways for douchebags to display their personalities.