Stoner Girl Emails it In
Stoner Girl Emails it In
Nathan DeGraaf graduated fucking years ago with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, which he still lives near because college chicks are the best. On weekday evenings, Nate can typically be found at any one of a number of North Tampa bars. On weekends, he typically cannot be found. When not drinking, fishing, watching sports, or having sex, Nathan likes to read, play the harmonica, and show up for work. Throughout the course of his life, he has been arrested six times because, as his father has often said, "the kid is fucking stupid."
Behind the Scenes: I Post Too Much
Observations from Behind the Scenes
Here's the deal. Stoner Chick and I had a bet on last week's football picking. If she did better than me, she would get to write this post all by herself; if she did worse than me, she would get to write this post all by herself and I would get a blowjob. Well, we tied. So I decided that we could split some of the writing duties.
<p>I've done a lot of stuff of which I am not proud. For example, I used to sell illegal narcotics when I was in high school (hey, strippers don't pay for themselves).
This is my 404th post. Only sixteen more until number 420. Be sure to stock up.<br /><br />How come fundamentalist Christians never seem to fundamentally forgive everyone? That just seems fundamentally fucked?<br />