My Friend’s a Bitch
My Friend's a Bitch
My sense of humor can be summarized with one joke: Q: Why does 6 hate 7? A: Because 7 8 out 9.
Howdy folks,<br /><br />In the next few days, I have to prepare an extensive portfolio of my work to pitch to several grad schools. (I know it's late to do this, shut the hell up).<br /><br />All of my shit, including the humor poems, are located <a href="">here. </a><br />
10) The random fuck<br />Nothing like a noncommital sex, Roxy.<br /><br />9) The hot professor<br />It makes 75 minutes go by so much quicker. As they say, time flies when you're staring up a skirt.<br /><br />8) The "I go to class everyday, and yes I will sign your name down if you're not there" girl
Dear Professor,<br />
A note that reads: "Nick, Lock the FRONT DOOR WE DON'T WANT TO BE FUCKING MURDERED!"
<p>Dear PIC Bloggers,<br /><br />Hello. I was curious, why are we all writing letters now?<br />Are letters funnier than other forms of communication?<br />Is there something inherently more humorous in a letter that isn't in say, a conversation?<br />Or is it that letters are so passe, that readers are supposed to laugh at the medium because it is so archaic?<br />Should I write a letter?