Monopoly Cards’d Like to See
Monopoly Cards'd Like to See
My sense of humor can be summarized with one joke: Q: Why does 6 hate 7? A: Because 7 8 out 9.
Monopoly Cards'd Like to See
Broken Finger: Fucking Shit Goddamnit!!!
This post is my counter to <a href="">this.</a><br />=)<br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;"><br />My Impression on JD Boston's Blog (A BIG FAT JUICY POEM)</span><br /><br />JD Boston:<br /><br />"LET ME COUNT THE WAYS<br />LET ME COUNT THE WAYS<br />THE WAYS I'M A VIRGIN!!! =(<br />
>Don't get me wrong; I like Facebook. <br /><br />However, I find it quite unsettling that there are politicians soliciting for the upcoming November election on it. <br />
<span style="font-weight:bold;"><br />I noticed that you don’t touch snow...</span><br /><br />but maybe now <br />you’ll throw your cigarette<br />in my empty beercan<br />sometime <br />lifting it from my grip <br />with a wink; putting on bright red lipstick<br /> and a dark, blue, wool sweater<br /><br />& maybe you’ll finger<br /> through the couch
51 Things You Shouldn't Know About Me
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;">Coffee Shop in Tijuana</span><br /><span style="font-style:italic;">This Ain't No Goddamn Novella</span><br /><br />I<br />opened my notebook n<br />dumped sugar and cream in my<br />coffee and wrote four <br />goddamn words when Paco <br />pulled out his pistol and started shootin <br />all of us <br /><br />I apparently missed all
No matter the scenario, even if she's got a good head on her shoulders, if you whip out this argument, she'll soon be speechless.