Top 10 Funny Things About Police Officers
What's so funny about police officers? They don't use handcuffs in the same way as your kinky ex-girlfriend, and more.
PIC curates a thoughtful blend of enlightening and irreverent humor that is both curiously insightful and sinfully delightful. We publish daily original articles, rain or shine.
What's so funny about police officers? They don't use handcuffs in the same way as your kinky ex-girlfriend, and more.
What's so funny about iPods? Some people listen to theirs while having sex, some people touch theirs more than they touch their loved ones, and more.
What's so funny about singing? It made ugly people incredibly famous on national television, everyone finds themself doing it with random people they don't know when they're drunk and more.
What's so funny about dreams? Everyone has a dream person they want to have sex with, they're always super intense, and more.
What's so funny about MySpace? It's technically Facebook's gay cousin, the names people make for themselves are either pretty slutty or extremely weird, and more.
What's so funny about video games? They're better stress relievers than a Swedish massage, they get more expensive over time (like women), and more.
What's so funny about gambling? It's one of the 3 main food groups in Vegas, smoking blunts and throwing dice constitutes 'Thug Life' in a rich neighborhood, and more.
What's so funny about porn? It's hard to tell your parents that you want to start a career in it, it actually has it's own bible, and more.
What's so funny about jobs? We never seem to land the dream job we want, everyone else seems to have a better job than the one we have, and more.
What's so funny about snow? Canadians think they're cooler because they get a lot more of it, a snow day is a magnificient gift from God, and more.
What's so funny about Easter? Not a lot of people give a damn about it, we've been led to believe bunny rabbits deliver eggs for a living, and more.
What's so funny about neighbors? Hating yours is a natural process in life, the only way you can impress your new ones is if you bake them something, and more.