Raymond is more of an idea than a person, but not much of an idea either. When Raymond isn't busy worrying about his own mortality, he spends his time in a prison for armed robbery. Incidentally, he is also in prison when he is busy worrying about his own mortality. That's how prison works. You can't just leave.
A shy pastor is one who waits for the choir boy to make the first move.
Perhaps our scientists should get to work on finding a way to harvest hindsight so that they don’t regret it later when they find out that that’s what they should have been doing all along.
If you’re having trouble writing a book, try writing two books. You will end up writing a book in the process.
I think “renting your body” is a better description for prostitution than “selling your body.” Imagine someone says they’re “selling their house” but you find out that they’re just letting people have sex with the house for $200 an hour.