FAQ About the Hell Button I Had Installed in the Elevator
Q. Should I worry about the fact that people keep disappearing after using the elevator? A. I wouldn't.
I breakdance without the piece of cardboard on the ground & I've got 8 bloody adidas tracksuits to prove it. All in hopes to save the family farm from them slick city bankers.
Q. Should I worry about the fact that people keep disappearing after using the elevator? A. I wouldn't.
The dads effectively hit everything except the ball causing a lot of property damage while the factory workers could not settle on a bat.
Tonight is definitely the most important celestial event of the century. Not months ago on April 8th and 9th. Nope. It’s tonight. November 27th, 1986.
Dust Jiffy Lube Employees Who “Fill Up” Your Wiper Fluid With An Empty Bottle And Charge You $15 Extra Without Asking If You Even Wanted It
It smells a little sweaty but it’s cheaper to rent and deal with mysterious odors than buy your own at full price.
Dining Room Swear Jar: $1 Dark Corner Of The Attic Swear Jar: $57 Home Office Swear Jar: $0
Both times people were upset about it. / Both assassins used firearms as a method of assassinating. / Thus, both assassinations were really loud.
An excerpt from Section 38.28.1 of the Limo Driver's Handbook about how to deal with a bachelorette that turns into a jewel heist.
Raggy rand I go way, way back. Trust me, rin dog years it’s reven ronger. Reven times ronger. Reah.
"Unless this is some sort of street lingo I need to brush up on, I think you may have accidentally contacted me. LOL!"