Cross-sections of comedy are my favorite. I love to see how different people can all tackle the same subject using various tools of humor, such as satire, sarcasm, chisels, bear traps, and of course, Tim Allen.

One subject that frequently surfaces on PIC in different forms is the plight of having, or being, a roommate. For instance:

Roommate Woes
Fighting Amongst Ourselves
The Great Roommate Sex Escape
Douchebags of the Dorm
The Time-Honored College Apartment
Roommates: The More You Know
The Off-Campus College House

What I'm wondering though, is if someone constantly complains about their roommate behind his back, does the other roommate do the same thing only in the form of praise? Like if one roommate always steals the other person's stuff, is the stealing roommate going around bragging to other people like, “DUDE, I have the GREATEST roommate in the world! He lets me steal whatever I want all the time! You should see it, last week I took his digital camera off the porch, sold it on eBay, and all I had to do was blame the neighbors. This is really working out perfectly.”

Thankfully I suppose, I don't have a roommate. Haven't had one since sophomore year of college actually. I do have an annoying live-in relationship with milk though. Sometimes I will buy a half gallon and it will sit in the refrigerator for two weeks, barely more than half empty. Then I will go out of town for a while and next thing you know I'm throwing away a carton of blue cheese. Other times I will buy a half gallon and drink it all in a day…minus a small amount which I will reluctantly save for two weeks just in case I have a bowl of cereal. Of course, the next two weeks happen to be waffle mornings, and the milk turns to blue cheese again. I really think it's time to bring back the milkman to put my milk habits on a regular schedule for once.

Or I'm moving out.