Steve and Tony have one of the funniest “post-college life” short films I've ever seen:

Ahead of the Game

It's basically a 24-year-old's account of his progress so far in the real world… living at home.

I love the way the interview narration is juxtaposed with the real-life version of actual day-to-day interaction with his parents at home. I lived at home for a year after college as well, and while I can't say it was this TOTALLY awesome, I did have a lot of fun (contrary to many graduates' perspectives) and I can see some similarities.


Tony: Hey…
Mom: Hey.
Tony: Where ya goin?
Mom (confused): Work…..
Tony: Oh…. Didn't you go there yesterday?
Mom: Yeah, it's a weekday.
Tony: Oh….that sucks.


Mom (serving a huge load of French toast): Is that enough?
Tony: You could probably make a little more…. just a little more.


[Tony shotguns PBR in kitchen]Mom: There's beer all over the floor…
Tony: ….You wanna do one?

