You may have heard about an innovative little web application called “Writely,” yet another one of Google's tickets into an online gold mine. This time they're after the word processing industry. Hey, just a GUESS, but I bet a lot of people are probably into that. Apparently Google's only competitor in the market right now is illiteracy. By the time you have kids of your own and send them off to school, the “Google Center For Children Who Can't Type Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Online Too” will probably be competing with your local after-school daycare.

I swear one day Google's going to start stuffing yummy, keyword-rich Google Toolbars with golden tickets, with which 8 lucky recipients will get the chance to tour the Googleplex with Larry and Sergey in hopes of inheriting the internet. I could definitely see myself getting drawn in to the top secret Gmail Video booth, at which point Larry would yell beta warnings at me, and I would ignore them and accidently forward myself in time.

Anywhow, point is, Google acquired Writely, but new registration is closed at the moment. Existing users, however, may invite new people (sound familiar? *cough*gmail*ahem*).

Are you or someone you know on WRITELY already?

Please invite me to collaborate on a document with you!

This will allow PIC to continue serving even healthier amounts of comedy, which, should you read our FDA product label, contains 0g trans fat, WHICH, should you decide to sample elsewhere, tastes like a sex change.
