Zuckerberg and Winklevoss twinsFacebook ended up paying off the three ConnectU dudes who said Zuckerberg stole their idea somewhere between $31 and $65 MILLION.

You know how they found out that number, despite all parties going to great lengths to keep it a secret?

"Large portions of that hearing are redacted in a transcript of the June hearing, but The Associated Press was able to read the blacked-out portions by copying from an electronic version of the document and pasting the results into another document."

Copy and fucking paste!! Apparently Facebook got so caught up circle jerking around the News Feed that they forgot about Ctrl+C. Also, just another reason why I think we should get rid of the word "redacted" entirely. Redacted sounds like either a term paper got murdered by a professor, or someone hired a bunch of Native Americans to star in a local play. Maybe if they just call it "erased" or "blacked out" then everyone would have a better idea of what people were trying to accomplish by "redacting" something.

But yeah, for argument's sake, let's just say those dudes got $31 million…

HEY GUESS WHAT? I really really hope I have a great idea that someone else steals and spends years building into an awesome, hugely profitable business. Seriously, I have a lot of website ideas, can a bunch of you start working on them so I can sue one of you for millions a few years later? I had this one idea about pictures of cats on a website with captions (kind of stupid i know), another one where maybe people can just stare at chicks and rate them 1-10 (totally SHALLOW, i know!), another one where you copy and paste links into a huge list (but you know, somehow cool), and one that's like a website/directory/seach engine/news/personals site that people would check first whenever they open their internet (i dunno why they would do that, maybe put some naked chicks on the front?).

In the meantime, I'll just be here writing on my blog, having some beers, sleeping in, courting some ladies, thinking of more ideas, maybe having a party this weekend (do you want to come? it's on saturday around 9pm… lemme know bro).