Heather Linn was finishing her junior year at Northlake High School in 1988. As a cheerleader looking forward to her senior year on the squad, Heather was popular with both girls and boys. Her boyfriend, Mason, probably had no idea that she was secretly hooking up with Rachel on the side. And Rachel wasn't one to mind sharing, as long as she was getting in on the action every now and then, especially during cheerleading camps(!). Turtle Creek was also a fav makeout spot, with other guys too.

How do I know all this?

Because Heather's yearbook somehow ended up in the decorative shelf of books next to a booth at a restaurant near me. And it's chock full of both banal and veiled-but-juicy entries from her friends.

After reading all the entries from other people, I decided to add a new one from "Jamey." Every time I eat there I'm going to add new entries, until it's going to feel disgusting just to hold 17-year-old Heather's yearbook. Now if only I could find 41-year-old Heather on Facebook today and message her something super personal only a close high school friend would have known….

Heather Linn high school yearbook Northlake