Here's the second edition of KC's Stupid Questions. Just post a comment with your answers, or talk amongst yourselves, I'm getting vaclempt (however you spell that.)

I didn't bother seeing "Love Guru," "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," "Deuce Deuce" or "Semi-Pro." But I definitely saw "Wayne's World," "Billy Madison" and "Anchoman,"about 20 times each. So…

1. Which SNL star fell from grace the hardest? Mike Meyers? Adam Sandler? Will Ferrell? Steve Martin? Rob Schneider? Chris Rock? Eddie Murphy? Joe Piscopo?

2. Your dream girl gives you an ultimatum: if you are a smoker, you MUST quit smoking. If you are a non-smoker, you MUST start smoking. Or, she chews Skoal for the duration of your relationship. What do you do? Why?

3. In memory of George Carlin, who do you think the best stand up comic of all time is?