In my Blackberry text message section, it shows a snippet of the latest text in the convo. Below are the last 20 or so people I've text messaged, and the latest text (either from me or the other person). I like to think of this as a shallow character study and a pop culture linguistics check.
- Hey! Fuggin guy!! Bike!!
- Dffjeduyrf ur star power will overloa…
- It's just me here now.
- I'm in for the show tonite!
- Missed all of that man. It's worth
- Nutsacks.
- Cool ill make my way ova
- Wild boyz indeed
- Hey sorry manate response- can't…
- Gotcha
- Yaaay!! I feel so hipster now. I'm go…
- And I'd still hit that
- Save a blog for your bloggy
- Oh hey! cray cray!
- Word, I'll be down to go later. I'm
- Swing zing!
- Right on man.
- actually im on my way to the hospi…
- Yezzzir
- We got nose candy. Hit me up whe…
- K, walkin down
- Uppers
By my shoddy calculations, it would appear that my text communication consists of 25% confirmations, 25% jibberish, 20% humor, 15% exclamations, 10% drugs, and 5% excuses.
Share your latest text intros in the comments and contribute to collective mystery and misunderstanding!