Hey, honey, don't mean to startle you or anything (the last thing we want is some unexpected chomping out of surprise), but once we wrap this beej up, this relationship is officially over.


By all means, though, take your time down there. Yeah, that feels good right there (doesn't change the fact that I'm dumping you though…)

Don't cry. Come on. Do you WANT me to get soft over here. Actually, wait….hmm. Keep crying. That actually kinda turns me on. Am I perverted?

Yeah, keep doing that with your tongue, sweetheart. You're the best. I mean not the BEST best, but you're up there. Or whatever.

Oh my God. Yes. Yes. A little faster. Okay, a lot faster. Oh God. Yes. There we gooooo…….phoooooo. Ohhhh. Oh. Oh. I am fuckkkkkking tired. That was fun. I love you (but not really. Get the fuck out of my apartment.)