I love that new website smell.

Ah, yes. Unless this is some sort of mirage or fluke, PIC 2.0 has finally launched. Barring any server failures, hurricanes, flash floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, blizzards, car accidents, murders, or any other natural or unnatural disasters, it will stay up.

If PIC 2.0 were a girl, the things I'd be doing to it in the coming weeks would make for an Oscar-worthy porno. Hell, if PIC 2.0 were a guy, I'd still be willing to experiment.

Let's put it this way: Imagine Points in Case is a pool of high-class vodka. I'm gonna dive in that sucker like there's no bottom. And if I drown, well, at least I got drunk, right?

First things first: A new column. I have several things already sent to Oh Lord and Webmaster Court Sullivan and several things ready to be sent.

I've been writing everyday, so I've got plenty of things ready to be either column articles, front-pagers, or longer blog entries.

And I'll continue to give you an original video every couple weeks.

So there you have it. Videos, articles, blog entries, and everything else under the comedy sun.

I hope you're as excited as Ron Jeremy probably is right now.