To be, or not to be vulgar? That is the question among many of the people who submit articles to PIC.

Very often, I will get one of the following types of notes attached to submissions:

I wrote this article. I don't know if it's too vulgar, but I hope not. I could probably edit out the bad words and stuff if you want.


I wrote this really vulgar/offensive article. I figured PIC was probably the only place that would publish it. Here you go!

I think it's flattering that we somehow manage to come off as both “family-friendly” and “the last resort for a piece otherwise doomed to fester in a pit of cuss words, debauchery, racism, sexism, dead baby jokes, and assorted other jokes gone too far.”

One of Nate's favorite PIC stories to tell is how I added a cuss word to the first article of his I published – specifically, the word “asshole,” though surprisingly not in reference to the author himself.

So for those of you still unsure, let me put the matter to rest: PIC is the Bob Saget of entertainment – we'll say and do pretty much anything on stage as long as we can still pull in Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos audiences too.