Luke: What's a non-binding resolution?
Me: Well, let's examine the term.
Luke: Okay.
Me: What does non-binding mean?
Luke: Not cheese?

Alaya: I know you. Your name is Nate. You're the guy who tells that awful joke about the baby dying at birth and the evil doctor who messes with the parents.
Me: In some circles, I'm known as the guy who's great at spelling.
Ben: Around here, you're known as the guy who sets ashtray fires.
Me: One little accident and they never let you forget?

Me: Dude, when something is non-binding, it means that it does not adhere to, nor does it instigate any kind of law or rule. For example, a non-binding contract is not a contract until it is bound. Do you follow that?
Luke: I'm sorry. Could you say that again? I was watching Kay's breasts bounce up and down.
Me: I love it when you visit.
Luke: Bouncy bouncy.

Doug: Hey, I need directions to your man Paul's house.
Me: So you want me to call him?
Doug: Call him, email him, send him smoke signals? I don't really care how you get the directions. I just need the directions?what are you doing?
Me: I'm googling “smoke signals.”
Doug: I'm honestly surprised you don't get smacked more.

Luke: So, a resolution? is that like the word, resolve?
Me: Exactly. If you have a resolution, you have resolved to achieve or do something.
Luke: Kinda like how I resolved to watch Kay's titties bounce.
Me: Exactly. You resolved to do something and then you did it. Like a New Year's resolution.
Luke: Can you have a non-binding New Year's resolution?
Me: I think they pretty much all are.
Luke: Huh?

Alan: I'm pissed off. I lost six games in a row to you.
Me: Yeah, but they were all good games.
Alan: How so?
Me: I won.
Alan: I don't like you very much.
Me: Few people do.

Luke: So, umm if you create a resolution that isn't bound, essentially then, you are doing absolutely nothing.
Me: Well, I don't know about that?
Luke: No dude. Think about it. You are not binding your resolve. You have successfully not created anything while resolving to create something. Essentially, you are accomplishing nothing more than saying you want to accomplish something.
Me: That school in Orlando is making you smarter, I think.
Luke: I started reading the news, too.
Me: Why's that?
Luke: My roommate gets a prescription.
Me: Subscription.
Luke: That, too.
